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A Message from Bishop Hollingsworth Regarding Transition Updates

June 6, 2023

Dear colleagues and friends,

Shortly following last month’s Clergy Conference, I wrote Presiding Bishop Curry requesting the canonically required permission from him and the House of Bishops to resign my position as Bishop Diocesan, stating my intention to transfer jurisdiction to Bishop Jolly on July 1. Yesterday, I was informed by his office that this permission would be granted by the end of this week.

Bishop Anne is well prepared to take on the responsibilities of the XII Bishop of Ohio, having begun to put together an effective strategy and talented staff for carrying on the work of episcopal ministry in our Diocese. She has asked me to provide support for a few continuing projects at Bellwether Farm, including the construction of the new animal barn and outdoor amphitheater, which we expect will be completed by the middle of the summer. I am happy to serve at her request in that limited capacity.

The Rev. Percy Grant will also retire on July 1, after 16 years’ service as Canon for Ministry. She, more than anyone else, is responsible for building up the quality and collegiality of the clergy in the Diocese of Ohio. Guiding candidates for Holy Orders, congregations in transition, and clergy searching for new positions, she has brought out the best in us. She has provided leadership to the wider church in a range of positions, both provincial and denominational, including as Deputy to General Convention. We will be indebted to Percy for years to come as our ordained and elected leaders continue to grow in their respective vocations.

On September 1, Canon to the Ordinary Bill Powel will retire following eight years overseeing diocesan governance, human resources, canonical processes of all types, innumerable legal issues, and serving Diocesan Council, Trustees, Finance Committee, and countless individual congregations with his wise and thoughtful counsel. In addition, Bill has served as Chancellor of the Diocese for 12 years, a position in which he has agreed to continue at Bishop Anne’s invitation. Also a Deputy to General Convention and member of denominational commissions, task forces, and interim bodies, Bill has brought and will continue to bring his experience and leadership gifts to bear on the complex challenges the church faces.

I know you will join me in giving thanks to God for the generous and sacrificial service of these two treasured colleagues. They have modeled the very best of lay and clergy leadership in the church. I look forward to joining with many of you on June 17 to thank the Assisting Bishops, our retiring colleagues – Bill, Brad, Percy, and Sue – the entire Bishop’s Staff, and one another, and to celebrate our common ministry in the Diocese of Ohio over the last two decades.


The Rt. Rev. Mark Hollingsworth, Jr.
Bishop of Ohio

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