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The Diocese of Ohio is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion represented in the United States by The Episcopal Church.


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Committees & Commissions

Committees and Commissions are the diocesan bodies that carry out the work of the people of the Diocese of Ohio. Some committees and commissions are called into existence by the Constitution and Canons, some come into existence at the request of the Diocesan Convention, and some do work as sub-committees of other committees/commissions.

Every member of the Diocese of Ohio is eligible to serve on a committee or commission. Some committees/commissions are filled by elections, and some are filled by appointment. If you feel called to a particular ministry, please contact the chair or another member of that committee or commission for more information about how you can serve.

In this section

Trustees of the Diocese

The Trustees are responsible for the investment management of endowment funds of the Diocese and funds derived from parishes receiving aid or extinct parishes.

Standing Committee

The Standing Committee serves as the Bishop’s Council of Advice, and in the absence of the Bishop, is empowered to assume ecclesiastical authority within the diocese should there be no Bishop Coadjutor or Bishop Suffragan.

Diocesan Council

The Diocesan Council is responsible for the development, implementation, and oversight of the diocesan program and budget.

General Convention Deputies

Clergy and lay members elected to this position serve at the 80th General Convention or any Special General Convention between their election and the election of their successors.

Provincial Synod Representative

Province V is an association of 14 Episcopal Church dioceses in the midwest region, working to advance the church's mission through regular consultation, mutual support, formation, and development, in addition to sharing in the governance of The Episcopal Church.

Regional Disciplinary Board

If there is a case involving potential Clergy misconduct, the Regional Disciplinary Board is the pool of individuals from which people are selected members of a Conference or Hearing Panel.

The Ohio Council of Churches

The Ohio Council of Churches (OCC) is a partnership of 17 Christian faith denominations throughout the state.

Commission for Racial Justice

The mission of the Commission for Racial Justice is to challenge existing structures and work for remediation within our Diocese, our parishes, and in the communities of which we are a part.

Commission on Ministry

The purpose of the Commission on Ministry is to advise and assist the Bishop in the work of discernment, formation, and support for persons in the Holy Orders and Lay Professionals in the Diocese of Ohio.

Episcopal Anti-Human Trafficking Committee

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