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The Diocese of Ohio is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion represented in the United States by The Episcopal Church.


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Resources for Grantseekers

Gun Violence Prevention Grant

Contact: The Rev. Rosalind Hughes

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. …” (John 14:27)  

Grants are intended to support congregational initiatives to reduce and prevent violence, especially gun violence, in the community. Grants are not intended for parish security measures.    

  • Grants will be limited to a maximum of $750.  
  • An evaluation and report will be expected after each year’s allocation and is required prior to receiving any further grants. Digital photos are very much appreciated. Please send by email.  
  • Applications can be made throughout the year, but funds are allocated on a first come basis. Decisions can normally be expected within 2-4 weeks of application.  

View the grant application


Congregational Development 

Contact: The Rev. Audra Abt

Ministry and Connection Grants help congregations initiate new programs to build their size and vitality by reaching out to new members. 

Note: We are currently undertaking a strategic and theological review of our Ministry and Connection grant criteria and process, and so there is a moratorium on accepting grant applications at this time. Please contact Canon Audra Abt if you have thoughts or input into this process.

Adult Faith Formation Grants provide startup and some ongoing support of programs like mid-life spirituality groups, senior groups, or weekend retreats. Maximum award is $750.

Grant application deadline: Rolling deadline. 



Continuing Education

Clergy and Lay Professionals

Contact: Chris McCann

Continuing Education grants are available for the upgrading or broadening of knowledge or skills that directly apply to the applicant’s work in the Diocese.

Grant application deadline:  March 1, June 1, Sept. 31, December 1 


Lay Continuing Education Grants

Contact: The Rev. Anna Sutterisch

Grants help pay for training or continuing education in areas that build the life of the congregation and/or the diocese. Rolling application; grants generally up to $500 to cover 1/3 of the program.

Grant application deadline: Rolling deadline. 


Disaster Response 

Contact: The Rev. Rosalind Hughes

Episcopal Relief and Development provides grants for large scale disaster relief and recovery.

Mission work outside the Diocese of Ohio

Contact: The Rev. Rosalind Hughes

Note: We are currently undertaking a strategic and teological review of our grants criteria and processs, and so there is a momoratorium on accepting grant applications at this time. Please contact Canon Rosalind Hughes if you have thoughts or input into this process.

The Commission on Global and Domestic Mission (CGDM) provides grants in three categories, all requiring the involvement of parishes:

Belize and Tanga relationships

These are our two Diocesan partnerships, and so as to promote coordinated efforts, those interested in Tanga and Belize should be in touch with a member of CGDM. 

Global Mission grants

Support parish mission efforts in other places outside the US with which a parish in the Diocese has a relationship,  and that address one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Recent grants have funded work in Haiti, Nigeria, Honduras and El Salvador.

Grant application deadline: March 31, June 30, Sept. 30, Dec. 3. 


Domestic Mission grants

Support parish mission efforts in other parts of the US.

Grant application deadline: August 31. 



Parish-based Outreach          

Contact: The Rev. Rosalind Hughes

The Episcopal Community Services Development Council evaluates and provides grant funding in support of parish-based projects that address education, hunger, homelessness, and health, with a particular emphasis on projects that address systemic issues. This includes grants funded by the Church Home endowment that serve the elderly. The deadline for submission of the 2024 ECS Grant was September 30, 2023. For grant questions, please contact the Rev. Rosalind Hughes.

Summer Youth Program Grants for 2023 Vacation Bible School are no longer available. Maximum funding is $500. Submission deadline was June 30th. If you have questions please contact the Rev. Anna Sutterisch

Summer Mission Trip Grants for 2023 Mission trips are no longer available. Submission Deadline was June 30th. If you have questions contact The Rev. Rosalind Hughes

College Ministry Grants are used for start up and some ongoing support of parish-based ministries geared to college students. Grant application has a rolling deadline. If you have questions contact the Rev. Anna Sutterisch

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